Iranian Caviar


Shrimp & Fish

Abrazboom Company (A.R.B Co.) has been established with a focus on seafood business, considering the experience of its managers in the aquaculture & seafood for more than 20 years.
The main goal of this company is to Seafood Supply Chain Management. In the seafood supply chain management process, our main goal is to quality control and health of the product from the farm to the final consumer based on international standards.
Main Activities
The main Activities of this company are:
1- Aquatic (Fish & Shrimp) and seafood trade all over the world
2- Technical and Engineering services in the fisheries industry
3- Investment management in the fisheries industry
4- Agricultural products trading (Saffron, Date, Truffle ….)

Currently, this company, with years of experience in fish production and trade, supplies the following products for export all over the world, and most of these products (Fresh, Frozen, Processed) are supplied from inside Iran:
- Caviar, especially, Beluga, Baerii, Osetra and Sevruga
- Sturgeon Fish Meat
- Shrimp especially Litopenaeus vannamei
- Rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss)
- Marine Fish including: Sea bass, Grouper, Tuna, Ribbon fish, Squid
Supply Chain Management (SCM)

The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least two times per week as part of a healthy diet. Fish is packed with protein, vitamins, and nutrients that can lower blood pressure and help reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke (Ref.: https://doh.wa.gov/).

The enjoyment of caviar is based on three physical-chemical-sensational pillars: taste, aroma and texture (Ref.: Thomas A. Vilgis. 2020)

Shrimp is a commonly eaten seafood and a lean source of protein. While the amount of calories in shrimp is low, the number of key nutrients is high. These nutrients include vitamin B12, which helps form red blood cells and maintain nervous system function, and selenium, a mineral that helps protect cells from damage (Ref : https://www.health.com/nutrition/)